Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fun In The Rain

Bow Rack

Dad made a rack for his homemade longbow.

Having Fun

Mom bought a case of bananas the other day and I fixed the box into a little fort for S.


Amy curled F's hair the other Sunday

Poison Sumac

I got poison sumac when helping a neighbor on saturday.

This is Sunday afternoon.

Monday morning.

Tuesday evening after a steriod shot Monday afternoon.

G's 8th B'day

Dad's Birthday

Canning Figs

J got paid to go to his boss' house and pick figs.
His boss told J that he could have part of what he picked.

New Furniture

Dad picked up some new furniture for the outside the house and inside.


After attending a gardening clinic we decided to give it a try.
Josh and Mom had done a bit of square foot gardening in the past. his was our first attempt with a yard plot. Our garden was 15' y 30'
It took 4 or 5 passes with the tiller to get rid of the bermuda grass.

Raking out the grass

We got a quart of Jalepenos.

One meal worth of corn.

We discovered not to plant your cucumbers next to your squash otherwise you might get some interesting combinations.

Family Camp 2009 (con't)

D & J along with other camp teenagers had a water baloon fight 9:30pm

F got her face painted

More fun at the lake.
G getting blobed

F going down the 250 ft long 2 story tall waterslide

In case your wondering why J is wearing a sling I tell you why. He dislocated his shoulder while tubing, here is how it happened. J & D went down to the lake to go tubing and while we were waiting our turn Dad told the boat driver to try and flip us, well we didnt find that out until after we were done. Anyway it is virtually impossible to flip two lightweight people on a double tube. Our time was up and the boat driver hadnt had any success flipping us, so on the way back to the dock he was going to try one more trick. He completely stoped the boat and me and Josh were thinking "OH NO". All of the sudden the driver floored it. and then turned trying to get us perpendicular to the wake, instead he caught us where the two wakes cross. We entered a hole in the wake about 4 ft deep and 6ft across we came out of the hole straight up(D blacked out), then the wind caught us and pulled us higher and at the same time it fipped us sideways when I opened my eyes we were about 20 ft in the air. I blacked out again and let go landing in the water on my head almost giving me a concusson. When I let go the tube flipped back upright and crashed down onto the water (upright amazingly enough) and the force dislocated J's shoulder. In the end J ended up with a dislocated shoulder and D ended up a pair of numb legs for a little while and a headache the rest of the day.